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How to Create a Killer Auction for Selling Your Website

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What makes one website sell for more than others? Sure, it almost always has to do with the amount of revenue a web site makes and how popular it is, but it also comes down to how well you lay out your auction listing. The difference between creating a regular listing versus a killer listing could be thousands of dollars, or even 10 to 20 times your monthly earnings.


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Selling Your Website – How to Create a Killer Auction

1.) Post Your Auction on Your Web Site

Who knows your web site more than your audience? Depending on the type of web site you are selling, it might be a great idea to make it aware to your visitors that your site is for sale. If you have an internet marketing blog, there is a good chance your readers might be interested in buying your site. However, if you ran a entertainment or celebrity web site, it would be less likely your audience would want to buy your site.

2.) Provide All Web Stats Reports and Google Analytics

I can not stress how important it is to make sure all of your web stats are up to date and in order. Google Analytics is the platform of choice when it comes to web stats, and Flippa can also verify the legitimacy of Google Analytics. If you are using a different tracking system, I advise you to include Google Analytics in your tracking as well. By providing Analytics, potential buyers of your web site can see where your traffic is coming from based on search engines and geographic location, along with how long they are staying on your web site in addition to other criteria.

3.) Breakdown All Revenue Methods

Just as important as your web site stats, the revenue and financial earnings of your web site will play a big part in the final sale price of your web site. Break down your monthly revenue by source and as far back as you can possibly go. Many web sites sell for 15-20 times their monthly earnings. This can vary depending on the niche and quality of your site, but providing as much financial information as possible will help you get the most for your web site.

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4.) Reply to All Questions and Comments

Personal contact and correspondence goes a long way when it comes to buying and selling web sites. More than anything else, it’s a business transaction, but trust also comes in to play. Make sure you take the time answer all questions and comments in detail, and also quickly as possible. Web site auctions have a time limit and not everyone will have time to wait for your answers before placing a bid. Don’t miss out on a high bid because you were too busy to respond to questions and comments in your auction thread.

5.) Reach Out to Webmaster Forums

Just like I mentioned it’s sometimes a good idea to post on your web site that an auction is for sale, it’s also a good idea to visit popular web site and webmaster forums. Web site owners are always looking to expand their business and portfolio of web sites, and your site may be a perfect fit for someone else. If you are already active and have a good reputation in a forum, it can definitely go a long way with other members and users of the forum, helping in the potential sale of your web site.

Become a Web Site Flipping Master

Using these same principles and finding under monetized web sites, which I like to call “hidden gems”, I’ve been able to buy and sell over six figures worth of web sites over the years.

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  1. Onibalusi Bamidele says:

    Hi Zac,

    Thanks a lot for the awesome post.

    I really love your tips about giving as much details about the website as possible and I think that can make a huge difference in the amount you will get for your website – people like to know as much as they can about what they will be buying.

    I’m also happy you created an helpful guide on the subject of website flipping and I can say it is the best guide on the subject I have read so far.

    • Zac Johnson says:

      Thanks so much for your comments, I appreciate it! Once people start to realize how much of a difference it makes to actually list all of your web stats and revenue broken down by month and with screenshots, a lot more money will be earned of selling web sites.

  2. Ian McConnell, InMyHomeOffice says:

    Great article and as someone who has done well by selling on Flippa in the past, all the points are spot on.

    Just one question, when would you use a broker rather than Flippa?


    • Zac Johnson says:

      Thanks, I actually cover a few different places outside of Flippa for buying and selling web sites. I also have a few friends that use brokers directly for their high end sites. Shoot me an email if you want their info and I’ll see what I can do.

      • margaret says:

        Hell Zac,
        I’m interested in the info about good brokers with selling skill on Flippa like auctions
        Thank you so much

  3. im now just starting to do some research and learning in how to flip a website..thanks for this zac

    im sure i will grab it

  4. Kent Mauresmo says:

    I bet you could flip your Zac Johnson website for 2 million if it wasn’t called You have a fancy website.

    All jokes aside, I know people who have bought some really profitable websites off flippa. That’s definitely the place to auction off your website …plenty of buyers flock there.

    • Zac Johnson says:

      Haha yea exactly. Once you create a site and use your domain name as your real name, you know it’s one that you will probably never sell

  5. foreclosure says:

    Great info. about selling sites.
    Regarding “Flip This Web Site” – I wonder if it covers the mechanics of transferring websites (files, etc.) once they’re sold.

    • Zac Johnson says:

      I cover the basics of “After the Sale”, but this can always vary depending on the complexities of a web site and how they are hosted or transferred. If you are not that experienced at transferring sites, you can usually have the transferring can be done by the previous owner or your web host.

  6. Michael Chibuzor says:

    You’ve awesome tips on website flipping zac. This business model is truly a big one, we all need to learn well and master selling psychology, this way, we not only persuade people to bid, but also, they feel happy about relinquishing their hard earned cash. This is priceless knowledge for me. Take care.

    • Zac Johnson says:

      Thanks. I’m a big fan of site flipping, simply because I can buy an established site and not have to deal with the time consuming tasks of building the site, creating content and building it up to an authority site.

  7. Is Herpes Curable says:

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing information about flipping websites.

    I also always wondered how do you manage to avoid getting paypal chargebacks once you release all your site logins and information?


    • Zac Johnson says:

      I haven’t run into any of these problems, but if it did happen, I’m sure Paypal and Flippa would not allow this to happen, as they have documentation and proof of your sale. Also, you can setup payments through, which will hold all of your money until both parties are happy with the completed sale and transaction.

  8. Online Business says:

    It seems website flipping is the rave of the moment now. But I dont see reason why I should sell a website that is making me money, except I can no longer manage it.

  9. Zac Johnson says:

    It’s great to have a portfolio of sites that are earning you money. Some profitable sites are selling for 40-60 times monthly earnings. If you are ever tired of running your site or want a nig pay day, flipping your site could pay off nicely.

    • Andrew @ Blogging Guide says:

      With this kind of scenario I am sure the government is very thankful in the internet world for all the jobs being created out of it.

  10. I am getting your flipping course.

  11. Really Great Idea, Thanks Zac!

  12. Eduardo Santana says:

    This story was perfect! It helped me a lot. I have a blog and always look for relevant information like this to apply and succeed as well. hugs

  13. John Burnside says:

    Thanks for the great post. I have been thinking about selling my site recently so that I can move on with other projects but I am finding it hard to sell my first blog, I’ve put so much work into it.

  14. Warren Shaw says:

    Hi Zak,

    Great post big props. Just wanted to ask have you ever had bidders wait till the very last minute to bid. Reason I ask I recently listed a website on Flippa and the site was seeing over 1million hits a month and $14k in revenue but it only got to 36k it was listed as private as I wanted to keep the URL confidential.



    • Zac Johnson says:

      The most activity happens on an auction during the last few hours. When someone bids within the last 4 hours, the auction clock resets back to 4 hours to allow for more bidding.

      If you didn’t sell your site, I would relist again and do some “premium listing” advertising, or try running without the private auction setting.

  15. Boris Chu says:

    This an interesting read. Selling your website would mean that you don’t have the website anymore. I would personally prefer to keep them all for a longer time.

  16. Warren Shaw says:

    Thanks Zak for the info