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Income Diary

How to Build on Your Good Idea

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There’s no shortage of good ideas.

But there is a shortage of people who believe in their ideas so fully that they put in the necessary work to pull their ideas out of imagination and into reality.

Everyone who’s ever taken a shower has an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference.

– Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari

Chances are, your idea is good enough. In the back of your head, you already know that.

But nobody else knows – and the never will unless you build on it.

Watch the Income Diary Video on “Idea Building”

You wouldn’t build a house without a roof and then complain when a rain storm comes in – and you shouldn’t build a half of a business and then complain when it doesn’t earn a ton of money.

Starting several businesses and finishing none of them will get you nowhere in a hurry. So focus your attention on one good idea and see it through to completion.

5 Inspiring Quotes about Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.

– Napoleon Hill

Billion dollar businesses like Apple, Facebook, and Google all began in tiny brain cells. Pretty amazing. Of course, those brain cells all belonged to highly-motivated and hard working people.

We think good ideas to death, when we should be acting them to life.

– Brian G. Jett

Bringing your ideas to life in your imagination may be fun, but bringing them to life in reality is much more satisfying.

Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.

– Howard Aiken

Truly world-changing ideas are often met with doubt and apprehension… at first. So if your idea faces criticism early on, take heart: so did the the bicycle, the iPad, and the microwave oven.

Ideas are not yours. They’re in the common consciousness. But how you perceive an idea is yours.

– King Sidharth

Don’t assume just because you had an idea that it’s yours to keep. Somebody else may have the same idea any moment and then beat you to the punch, so it’s better to act on your idea ASAP.

On the other hand, don’t be discouraged if somebody else has already enacted an idea very similar to yours. You can bring your idea to life in a better or maybe just different way. Remember that Facebook was predated by MySpace, SixDegrees, and Friendster.

Don’t be afraid of new ideas. Be afraid of old ideas. They keep you where you are and stop you from growing and moving forward. Concentrate on where you want to go, not on what you fear.

– Anthony Robbins

…And One More

“Ideas are just a multiplier of execution.”

– Derek Sivers, Founder of

The concept behind the above Derek Sivers quote is simple: no matter how good an idea is, it’s worthless unless it’s well executed. The iPod wasn’t the first portable mp3 player. That honor goes to the Audio Highway Listen Up. But only 25 Listen Up’s were ever made. The iPod, on the other hand, has sold over 300 million units. That’s the power of good execution.

Partially executed entrepreneurial ideas don’t make money, just as houses without roofs don’t provide shelter. So don’t give up on your brilliant idea until you’ve truly given it an opportunity to be successful.

If you truly believe in your idea, start building – one brick at a time — and don’t stop until you’ve completed it.

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  1. Keyword Research Sucks says:

    Well written.

    Motivation is hard to come by for most. Many bloggers/developers start off with all the excitement in the world, but after a few weeks or months, it all withers away. Reason? Their motivation is based on Money.

    To base your dreams on money is to build a wrong foundation, but to build it with a real purpose is the way to take it forward.

    When Larry and Brin started Google, they had a real purpose. To make finding information easy. Money came rolling in.

    Well written again.

    • Nick Scheidies says:

      What a great comment.

      Money is really only useful as an indicator of the amount value you’ve provided other people — and it’s easiest to provide value when you’re doing something that makes you feel purposeful and energized.

  2. Great post and video.

    I also love how Jim Rohn talks about ideas.

    One of the secrets to success is ideas mixed with inspiration.
    Jim Rohn

    • Jim Rohn is great, totally agree… we always have ideas. But never seem to act on them, and find excuses so we don’t complete ideas… so sad. But I am one of them too.

      • Nick Scheidies says:

        Here’s a good, relevant quote from Jim Rohn quote: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

  3. I love the new evolution this website has taken. I think Nick’s videos are incredible and I’ve taken so much inspiration from the simple yet effective posts!

  4. Wow, talk abut striking a chord:

    We think good ideas to death, when we should be acting them to life ~ Brian G. Jett

    Very wise words indeed!

  5. Vito Mavrak says:

    Very encouraging post! as a web designer/developer…I’m full of ideas but always fail to act on one.

    • Nick Scheidies says:

      I’m sure a lot of them could be successful. Pick one and see it through all the way!

  6. This post is very much appreciated !

  7. Excellent post. The biggest hurdle always is getting out of the “thinking” lane into the “action” lane on the superhighway.

  8. Interesting point about Audio Highway Listen Up, Scheidies. I didn’t know about them. Also, great job with the video. I liked how the tree was gone after he came up with the second idea.

  9. fazal mayar says:

    good post, whenever you have a good idea its important you dont share it or else you will have competition

    • Nick Scheidies says:

      I guess that’s true. Of course, once you’ve followed through with your idea, you’ve got to share it in order to make it more broadly successful.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Awesome quotes. I love it, it inspires me.

  11. Great post! it really motivated me! Thx!

  12. Really. As rightly said, it’s a motivation and consistancy in the activity. many lacs in that as they loose focus on it. the videos are inspiring and informative…

  13. Alistair Summers says:

    Hi Nick,

    This has to be one of my favoutite articles. The whole article reads simply, is well presented, and strikes a cord.

    I love learning and developing ideas, but the trick is always focus, self descipline, and execution.

    I liked the idea behind the Derek Sivers quote.

    Thanks again.


    • Nick Scheidies says:

      Yeah — Derek Sivers has a lot of great advice for entrepreneurs and musicians. I am happy to hear that this article ranks with your favorites!

  14. beritatoday says:

    Here’s a good, relevant quote from Jim Rohn quote: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

  15. Another great post from a great man. Nick, i think i like Napoleon’s quote- ”Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes”. Though I’m still finding it difficult to customize my blog, can you help me?

  16. hojo motor says:

    I have been an ardent follower of Incomediary for a while now and it has helped out quite a bit. Thanks for this!

  17. Thanks for this inspirational post. Well written and very motivational.