Comments on: 10 Top Tips For Affiliate Promotions Learn exactly how the pros make money online and how they are able to live a life of financial freedom from passive income. Sat, 28 Mar 2015 19:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: George - AffWatch Mon, 07 Mar 2011 13:41:11 +0000 Hey Mike,

Very detailed overview of how to profit as an affiliate from product launches.

And these have now started happening in niches other than “internet marketing” as well…

By: Paul Fri, 24 Dec 2010 13:01:06 +0000 Kerwin,

Yeah list size matters but it matters more how responsive, i.e, how active a number of buyers on your list you have.

Lets say someone has a list of 10, 000 people but when they promote an offer only 1000 people act on it and buy that’s only 10% of your list, so you’re only making 10% of the total revenue that you possible could.

Now lets say someone has a list of a 1000 people, they promotes the same offer, but they’ve engaged and built the trust of their list, so its much more responsive. Now 450 people buy the offer they’ve promoted, now that’s a 45% R.O.I

So forget how big your list is and work on creating a list that actually converts, a list of people willing to buy, because what’s a business without customers?

By: Bryan @ Money With Articles Wed, 08 Dec 2010 03:40:59 +0000 Awesome tips! And people wonder exactly how super affiliates pull in the big bucks. There’s a lot of work that goes in behind the scenes to make major money. Definitely brewed up a few ideas though. Thanks for the motivation Mike!

By: wijaya valentino Tue, 07 Dec 2010 11:02:14 +0000 niche blog post, i have many benefit from your post. Many many thanks

By: Neal Dougan Thu, 25 Nov 2010 15:34:19 +0000 Great tips as always Mike. Well done. I’m taking notes!! Cheers Neal

By: HTC Desire Case Thu, 21 Oct 2010 14:28:50 +0000 Thanks for the tips Michael. I think reviewing the product in the best way that it will sell itself is an art indeed 🙂

By: Karen Mae Farro Tue, 05 Oct 2010 02:08:57 +0000 Keep up the great work and keep giving tips they are really helpful. Indeed, creating traffic with affiliate ads is the most profitable and rewarding way. Thank you for sharing such a wonder information.

By: Michael Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:05:24 +0000 Hello Mandeep,

It’s hard to say for a couple reasons:

– Depends on traffic you send, how targetted they are to the product.

– The landing page itself doesn’t convert.

I promote somethings that convert at $2 a click and some at 30cent… Perhaps aim for earnings per click which you can track in Clickbank. I love anything that earns me more than $1 a click.


