Creating Content – How To Make Money Online Learn exactly how the pros make money online and how they are able to live a life of financial freedom from passive income. Mon, 05 Mar 2018 16:18:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Learn exactly how the pros make money online and how they are able to live a life of financial freedom from passive income. Creating Content – How To Make Money Online Learn exactly how the pros make money online and how they are able to live a life of financial freedom from passive income. Creating Content – How To Make Money Online Top 10 Content Creation Steps For Bloggers Mon, 21 Aug 2017 09:41:55 +0000 When it comes to content creation, writing a blog post and hoping for the best is not an option! Top quality content takes time, effort, energy, resources, and knowledge. In this article, we have put together a blueprint for how we like to publish content at IncomeDiary. It is an approach that has consistently worked ...

The post Top 10 Content Creation Steps For Bloggers appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

When it comes to content creation, writing a blog post and hoping for the best is not an option!

Top quality content takes time, effort, energy, resources, and knowledge.

In this article, we have put together a blueprint for how we like to publish content at IncomeDiary.

It is an approach that has consistently worked for us and it will for you.


The 10 Most Important Steps For Successful Content Creation

Content creation, marketing

1. Choose a Topic To Write About

Obvious I know!


a) Who is your audience?

b) What do they need to know?

c) What can you tell them that no one else can?

d) What is your unique talent? (we all have at least one)

e) In one sentence what is the biggest lesson in life you have learned so far?

f) What was your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it? (Those who succeed the most also tend to fail the most!)

And most importantly of all with Content Creation:

How does your blog post benefit the reader?

Will what you are about to write improve the lives of your readers?

The most successful bloggers succeed because what they write adds value to the lives of their readers

Read the following posts for more inspiration and ideas:

Blog Post Inspiration Is All Around You – Open Your Mind


8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention

2. Deciding On What The Goal Of Your Blog Post Is

You don’t create content just to get traffic.

It could be to:

  • Make more money
  • Get more subscribers
  • To get more back-links
  • To entertain
  • To build your brand

Or it could be to simply improve a part of your business.

Using this post as an example, we get dozens of writers contact us every week, asking to publish guest posts.

We want content but it has to be amazing if we are going to accept it.

Writing this article means that we can better help guest posters write better content so that we can accept more posts and get more traffic.

3. Research Keywords For Blog Post

Once you have decided on your topic, you next have to figure out what you want to rank in Google for.

If you guess, often you will over estimate how popular the search term is.

We recommend you use Ahrefs for keyword research.

I will write in several different keywords until I find one that both fits my topic, but also provides plenty of traffic.

Example keywords for this post:

  • How to write a blog post (4000 visitors)
  • Blog Post Layout (90 visitors)
  • Blog Format (600 visitors)
  • Content Creation (5000 visitors)
  • Creating Content (230 visitors)

Based on this information, I chose to go with content creation as my keyword. Not only does it get more traffic than the others but it’s more targeted than “How to write a blog post”.

Content Creation

In the screenshot above, you can see that the global search volume is 5000 and that I will need in the region of 26 back-links from other websites to rank in the top 10.

The Ahrefs app will show you a lot more than that though – and if you are serious about online marketing and SEO this is the one to use. (Their Lite Plan starts from $99 per month!)

It displays the top 10 websites that rank for a search term, plus how much traffic they get and what other keywords that page ranks for.

The keyword you decide to go with, should be what you name your blog post URL, so for example,

Of course $99 per month is not an insignificant sum and will be a stretch for some.

In this case have a look at

Just type in your URL or a competitors URL and they will provide a lot of useful SEO information free of charge.

A Back-links Counter is not included in the free options but they have plans starting from $10 per month.

4. Creating Your Blog Post

OK, you know your topic and you know the keyword/s you wish to focus on – how long should your blog post be?

The average blog post on the first page of Google is over 2000 words.

For this reason, I would suggest, always aiming to hit this number. It is not a hard and fast rule – sometimes I go well over and sometimes it is closer to 1500 words. But it is a fact in blogging that the highest ranking posts are often some of the longest.

Choosing a category for your post should be simple enough, as for tags, I usually choose two tags per post. It’s important that no post, category or tag should be named the same. So for example, if my keyword for this post is content creation, I shouldn’t have a category or tag called content creation. Only one page on your site can rank for a keyword and you don’t want pages completing.

As for writing your article, check out: 17 Writing Tips For Bloggers Who Think They Can’t Write!

5. How to Display Content For Readability

Two blog posts can have the same content, but one gets read and the other is closed within seconds. This is often down to how easy it is to skim read.

Here is how we layout our content:

Headline (h1)
Headline (h2)
Headline (h3)
Headline (h3)
Headline (h3)

And so on…

Of course, you may also add images in, but as a general outline, this is what we go with. You can see an example of it in this very post.

Other suggestions include:

Mistakes to avoid:

  • Repeating headlines.
  • Starting three sentences in a row with the same word.

6. Adding Images To Your Blog Post

content creation for bloggers

Images are very important.

We like to use three different styles of images:

The screenshot, the photo and the illustration.

Personally, I think all post images should be the same width, centered and shouldn’t link to anywhere.

7. Optimize Text For SEO

Using Yoast SEO Tool, you can figure out quickly what you need to do:

  • Keyword should be in post title
  • Keyword should be in at least 1 other headline
  • Keyword should be in first 100 words.

8. Optimize Images For SEO

Well optimized images tell Google what your blog post is about and helps rank the page higher.

  • Name one image the same as your target keyword.
  • Name all other images related to keyword.
  • Add alt tags.
  • Compress images.

We have written a lot about SEO in the past – check out 10 SEO Blog Post Publishing Steps that Most Bloggers Forget

SEO, content creation

9. Add Internal And External Links

Linking in your post is important. It’s another way of telling Google what your blog post is about.

You should add a few links to external authority websites talking about a similar subject.

You should add a few links to internal pages on your site about similar subjects. (Like we have done here)

10. Marketing Blog Post For SEO and Social Media

One of the main ways Google decides where your page should rank in their search engine, is by counting links going to it.

The better your post, the more links you will get.

To get links, you need to get people to read your post.

To get people to visit your post, you need to name your post something people want to click.

Marketing a blog post is a lot more than getting as many links to your post as possible. It’s also about presenting your content in a way that people want to click.

This comes down to headline, description and featured images.


Part of your marketing strategy should be deciding on a post headline that people will click on social media sites and in search engines. But at the same time, it has to be targeting your keyword.

If you were to focus on SEO, you might name your post, Blog Post Content Creation Guide.

If you were to name it for readers, you may write, Best Article Ever Written About Content Creation

What I recommend is you meet in the middle and write for both, Blog Content Creation Guidelines For High Traffic Websites.


Search engine traffic isn’t just about getting number 1 rankings, it’s about getting as many people as you can to click through to your website.

Your blog post meta description should again be written for SEO and for readers.

Featured Image

When you see a featured image on social media, a blog homepage or in the related posts section, you either notice it and want to click, or you scroll right past it.

Final Thoughts on Content Creation…

Still struggling to know what to write about?

Try this:

a) Look at the ‘long tail’ of website search activity on your website. What questions are real people using to find your website?

Then you answer those questions in your content!

b) Check your social media (Twitter and Facebook in particular) and see if people are asking questions or making comments you can use for content creation. Another option is to check publishing tools on your business Facebook page – to see which subjects have the greatest reach, get the most clicks and write a followup to that.

Author Bio:
“BarryBarry Dunlop – lifelong Entrepreneur, Investor, Mastermind Facilitator and Sales Coach. Barry launched his first Internet Business in 1998. Follow Barry on Twitter

The post Top 10 Content Creation Steps For Bloggers appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Create A Perfect Blog Post, First Time, Every Time! Thu, 16 Feb 2017 14:46:39 +0000 The Perfect Blog Post Formula! The start, middle and end: an autopsy of the perfect blog post. You would think that writing a blog post is straightforward, wouldn’t you? Just bang out the words, hit ‘publish’ and make a coffee! What’s the big deal? After all… There’s not much to creating articles? It’s just you, your ...

The post Create A Perfect Blog Post, First Time, Every Time! appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

The Perfect Blog Post Formula!

the perfect blog post

The start, middle and end: an autopsy of the perfect blog post.

You would think that writing a blog post is straightforward, wouldn’t you?

Just bang out the words, hit ‘publish’ and make a coffee!

What’s the big deal?

After all…

There’s not much to creating articles?

It’s just you, your thoughts and your keyboard!

If only it was that easy!

Businesses must either prioritize content marketing – or get left behind.

There is no middle ground!

Astonishingly 50% of online content gets a measly 8 shares or less.

Is that you?

When you stop and consider how much global content is pushed out on a daily basis, it is not surprising that standing out is getting more challenging.

Readers are getting lazier and often not taking in more than 20% of words on a web page.

But some bloggers don’t have this problem.

Their following, hang on every word they write.

Bloggers like Jon Morrow for example.

Now, Mr Morrow is an exceptionally gifted writer with a powerful story and yes you may never write a blog post that gets 65000 shares.

But the truth is, you can do much better than you currently are by following the Perfect Blog Post Formula.

But first, lets get back to basics, because when it comes to content, the little details make a big difference.

Let’s break the Perfect Blog Post down into 3 sections: the start, middle and end.

How to write a seductive opening that will get people hanging off your every word.

We’ve heard it all before:

If your content doesn’t have a good headline, then your strategy is stuffed right from the start.

[See these 9 Classic Headline Templates That Consistently Get More Clicks ]

The trouble is, if the only decent thing in your article is the headline, you’re nothing but click-bait.

People will leave in droves.


If clicks are all you’re after then that’s great.

But if you’re serious about getting the right traffic onto your website, then you’re going to need more than just a polished headline.

You also need a headline that is not too long, not too short.

Opinions vary, but as a generalization the ideal length of a headline is 6 words.

If you want shares, links and comments, you need to walk the walk too.

You need an opening to your post that will impress.

Something that will make people read on.

The best way to open a blog post is to do 2 things.

Firstly, reveal the value of your article as quickly as possible.

Don’t waste a moment.

Hanging around, ignoring any real-life distractions and committing to reading what you’ve got to say is a big ask.

As such, whoever is reading your piece needs to know what’s in it for them… fast.

Assuming that you’ve done your homework and you’re writing about a common pain point experienced by your target audience…

The second thing you need to do is to try to make your topic relevant.

You can do this simply by speaking in a normal, personable way.

Get people to really think about the issue you are covering.

What problem is it causing?

What will happen if it doesn’t get dealt with?

And end your introduction by revealing exactly how you’re going to help.

Don’t worry about sounding like a teacher, because people like to be told what to do.

craft a perfect blog post

How to write an article that stifles yawns and stops people bailing out. 

It might sound old-school, but list out all the different points that you’re going to want to make in your post on a piece of paper.

The ultimate journey for the reader is to go from A to B, where A represents the start of your piece and B is a satisfying resolution.

Arrange them in an order that would make sense to a layman.

This is the road-map for your article.

That’s the plan for your post. It’s key for maintaining a smooth read and a rhythm to your words.

The next stage is to try and create a story for this journey.

And there’s good reason for this.

You have heard it before – stories sell.

According to Stanford’s Jennifer Aaker, stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone.

[Which, by the way, is worth thinking about the next time you’re listing out all the benefits of your product or service.]

Craft a journey that’s enjoyable and pleasurable to read.

Of course, ensure that your copy is suitable for digital consumption. By that, I mean, space out your sentences.

More people are reading content on a mobile device than ever before, so the last thing that they’ll want is a huge, intimidating block of text in front of them.

perfect blog post is easy to read

Plus, choose a nice font for your blog, since typography is an important, yet underestimated factor for content marketing success.

Fonts are essentially clothes for your words, so choose them carefully and pick something that’s large enough to read.

perfect blogging


=> 7 Quick Tips to Make Your Blog Design More Readable

How to finish a post in style and get the reaction you’re hoping for.

After putting a lot of effort into a piece of content, the temptation is to rush the conclusion.

You see it all the time. I don’t know whether I just have an unnatural hatred for the word ‘summary’, but most conclusions are staid and boring.

But forgetting to craft a meaningful conclusion a huge error, for 2 reasons.

Firstly, anyone who has read your entire article and reached the end is obviously a pretty engaged reader.

They’ll probably never be more likely to do you a favour than they are at this point.

So, whether we’re talking about a share on social media, a comment, download or subscription, if you want something, just ask.

You’ve earned the right.

Secondly, humans are odd little creatures.

Conclusions are often one of the first things we read. It might sound counter-intuitive, but think about it.

I’m sure you’ve seen an interesting headline, clicked on a link, read the first sentence and immediately scrolled down to the bottom of the article.

Bearing that in mind, you want to use your conclusion to wrap up what the reader has gained by reading your copy.

You need to summarize the point of your article existing, if you like.

The idea is that we want them to realize what these kinds of users could be missing out on if they leave.

We need them to scroll back up to the top and read the article properly.

What is the purpose of your blog post? | What is the Big Picture?

Writing The Perfect Blog Post, made easy

So, now you know how to write an intro to a blog post, structure the main section and end an article with a flourish.

You’re already one step ahead of most bloggers out there.

You’ve greatly reduced the chances of one of your articles going by the wayside.

I’ve been a copywriter for a long time and if there’s one content tip that I’d always believe in, it would be this:

Always understand the purpose of your post.

Having a clear idea of the purpose of your post, or as I like to put it – The Big Picture, will make your introduction, main points and conclusion much more impactful.

So what is the purpose of your blog post? What action do you want the reader to take?

Do you want your reader to buy something?

To request information?

To share on social media?

Or build your reputation as an authority on a subject?

In truth, it is in knowing the PURPOSE that your perfect blog post is created. That is the starting point of all perfect blog posts!

Author Bio: Matt Press is an experienced copywriter who has written words for some of the UK’s biggest brands, such as Sky, Three and Vodafone. Matt also helps businesses in London to master SEO with a unique, yet highly logical take on SEO.


Highly Recommended: Ray Edwards Podcast

10 Blog Post Creation Tips Every Blogger Should Follow

10 Article Headline Examples That Got Us 10 Million Readers

The post Create A Perfect Blog Post, First Time, Every Time! appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Blog Post Inspiration Is All Around You – Open Your Mind Wed, 25 Jan 2017 14:42:59 +0000 Blog post inspiration is everywhere – Don’t ever be stuck for blog post ideas again! My 6 Steps To Blog Post Inspiration Every time! When I was in grade school, I used to complain about my classes a lot. I’d come home with some unfinished homework or some mediocre test score I’d have to explain ...

The post Blog Post Inspiration Is All Around You – Open Your Mind appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Blog post inspiration is everywhere – Don’t ever be stuck for blog post ideas again!

blog post inspiration

My 6 Steps To Blog Post Inspiration Every time!

When I was in grade school, I used to complain about my classes a lot. I’d come home with some unfinished homework or some mediocre test score I’d have to explain away and my defense was always the same, “the class is just too boring!”

And my mom would sigh, look me straight in the eye and tell me “there are no boring subjects, just boring people.” What a devastating burn. Of course, I was nine, so I’d just huff and say “yeah, but what about MATH?”


Too often I see bloggers complaining the exact same way as they struggle for blog post inspiration!

Please don’t blame the subject matter!

Often, when bloggers have trouble coming up with new topics or ideas for their blogs, they blame the subject matter. They don’t think there are anymore good topics to blog about in their field. They complain that their subject is too dull to make for compelling blog posts, or too overly saturated with posts to come up with a decent angle.

Apologies to my fellow bloggers, but my mom was right (of course).

There are very few things in this world that are truly boring, that are so dull there is just nothing to say about them. Complaining that your niche is “too dull” to come up with many ideas is a cop out. It didn’t pass muster when I was nine years old, and it won’t pass now.

Follow these tips, and you should never find yourself scratching the bottom of the barrel for blog post inspiration again…

For blog post inspiration, always remember:

1) If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested!

Austin Kleon said it best in his creativity guide Steal Like an Artist, if you want to be interesting, you have to be interested.

You have to be able to get into what you’re writing about. To find what makes it exciting, cool, scary, impressive, or profound to you, and share that with others. If you’re not interested in what you’re writing about, why would anyone care about what you have to say?

For those of us who are writing for our own blogs, this shouldn’t be an issue. Presumably, you started your blog specifically because you care about the topic you cover. Even so, sometimes it’s worth stepping back and making sure you’re as tuned in to your topic as you can be .

Be an enthusiast yourself.

Stay up to date on your industry or niche, be a regular reader of other blogs dealing with the same ideas. Join conversations on social media and forums related to your topic and see what other people have to say.

But what about the hired guns out there? The copywriters and bloggers for hire that keep the web nice and full of content? You don’t always have the luxury of choosing the topics you get to write about, so how can you become an enthusiast?

Be open to what you’re writing about and take the time to discover what the topic, SPEAKS to you. As an ‘outsider’ you will often be the one to come up with unique and interesting ideas!

As a freelance blogger, I’ve written for everything from dream publications in the entertainment industry on topics I love, to incredibly specific niche interests I knew almost NOTHING about.

What To Do When You Know Nothing About The Subject?

One of my first jobs was writing content for a business that sells greenhouses. Now, I’ve had a legendary black-thumb since I was a boy and I’ve killed every single plant, bush, and cactus someone ever made the mistake of giving me. I’m not the kind of guy to be interested in agriculture, plants, or farms in the slightest.

There is no such thing as a boring subject.

The more I read about greenhouses preparing for the job, the more interested in them I got. It turns out there is a rich history to greenhouses that dates back to the Romans (there’s a topic right there), huge differences in what kind of greenhouse you’ll want depending on your crop (another topic), and endless arguments to be made about what kind of bench system a garden center greenhouse should use (yup, that’s a topic too). 

I let myself get into it. I read about cold frames and DIY greenhouses until eventually I got so curious I made one of my own. All of this fed into easy to write posts about home gardening, seasonal forecasts, and common mistakes rookies should watch out for.

Find the thing about your subject that speaks to you and share it with your readers.

blogging inspiration

Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm – the more you explore what interests you about the subject, the more questions, topics, and ideas are going to pop into your head.

2) When seeking Blog Post Inspiration – Look for the things people want to know about

While your reading about your subject, always keep an eye on the kinds of questions people are asking, what they want to know about. One of the easiest ways to formulate blogs posts is to simply think of them as an answer to a question. Figure out what your audience is curious about, and you’ll never go hungry.

Now, you could do this the old fashion way and keep your eagle eye ready to spot opportunities and a big old word document on your PC full of notes – or, you could take advantage of some of the new tools available to writers.

Answer The Questions People Are Asking

Answer The Public for example is an easy way to pinpoint the most popular conversation points about a topic. Simply place your topic or keyword in the search bar, click, and you’ll be treated to a full list of the most frequently searched Google phrases related to that search.

Coming up with new ideas couldn’t be simpler.

There is no excuse for being stuck when a simple search query can provide you with over 100 questions your audience is dying to know about.

blog inspiration using Answer The Public

Answer The Public Results for “inspiration” – 126 questions to inspire blog posts!

3) For Blog Post Inspiration – Look for the things people don’t know they want to know about

Using analytics about keywords and search terms is a nice shortcut that I absolutely recommend you use to keep up a steady stream of blog ideas. However, there is also value in asking new questions, in looking for the gaps that other people seem to be missing.

These kinds of blogs, by their very nature, take longer to write and are more of a gamble. But, if you’re committed to a topic for the long-term, it can be extremely valuable to contribute a completely fresh idea to the conversation.

Looking at what other bloggers are writing, what the audience is searching for, and adding your own spin on those ideas can take you a long way.

Keep an eye open for any completely new ideas

If you want to make a real mark, you’ll want to keep an eye open for any completely new ideas you can introduce. That’s the way to build real evergreen content that other bloggers will be linking back to for years to come.

And remember, you don’t need all the answers yourself. While blogs are certainly meant to help project authority and knowledge about a topic, that doesn’t mean you have to act like the wise old man on the mountain who knows the answer to all of life’s riddles.

If you find an interesting gap or problem that isn’t being addressed in other blogs, THAT can be a topic itself, let alone the solution! Why aren’t people talking about it? Has anyone else noticed? What do YOU think about blank? Even if you don’t know the answers, you can still start the conversation!

4) For Blog Post Inspiration Flip the script

Always try to see your topic from every possible angle. While working from the perspective of answering questions for your readers, and writing blogs like “5 ways to make small talk in an elevator”  is a good start, try thinking of the opposite some time – “5 things you should NEVER say in a crowded elevator!”

That’s a cool trick isn’t it? Not only have we turned one topic into two topics, I think we found a way more interesting angle in the process! I know if I saw both of those articles side-by-side which one I’d click on first (I just can’t help but rubber-neck a disaster).

This idea can be applied in so many ways.

Did you write a blog a little while ago talking up a product or idea and why it is so much better than the other options out there? Revisit the idea later with a blog about why some people are still sticking with the competing Brand-X (and maybe why they’re wrong). Work from the opposite direction.

Brainstorming and idea generation is much less stressful when you become adept at taking one core idea and turning it into three separate post ideas.

5) Let your best ideas MULTIPLY!

Never let a good idea die.

When you write a post that does well or you found particularly interesting, that shouldn’t be the end, it should only be the beginning!

Learn to mine content you’ve already written for more ideas and better angles. This can be a simple as recasting the same idea as an update or a sequel, such as “5 MORE things you should never say in a crowded elevator.” Or, you can use the same content, but change the format (articles can turn into lists and vice versa so easily).

You can write something specifically as a companion piece. “Last month you all when crazy about my tips on what not to say in an elevator, so here are 5 things you should NEVER say at a funeral.” If you have a really hot idea, look for ways to turn it into a regular series.

Ever wrote a great post and gone back to it sometime later and thought, I could do a better post now?

You could even have changed your opinion or view in the meantime. This is the perfect opportunity to create a “I Was Wrong About…” post. [People like reading “I was wrong about..” posts!]

Never be too proud to learn from yourself, and never let a good idea rest.

6) For Blog Post Inspiration – Step away from your desk

(AKA – Get out of the office, go for a walk, go for a swim)

This may sound like some hippy-dippy thinking, but take time to stretch your legs occasionally and explore the world around you, literally and metaphorically.

Like any other machine, the brain needs input if you expect output. Spend too much time staring at a word processor trying to punch out another quick blog all day, every day, and your sure to burn through your mental supply until all that’s left are a few singed neurons.

Get away from your desk from time to time, take some shore leave from the war of words and recharge your batteries.

A great way to do this is to try something new and different. Try a new type of food, play around with a new program or tool and see what you can do with it, meet some new people, try to hit a three-point hoop for the first time in 15 years. Do something different.

Getting outside of your comfort zone from time to time and expanding your horizons is how you keep your mind limber and lean. Inspiration can come from the oddest sources, and even something that doesn’t seem at all related to your blog topic can shake something loose or help you see an idea from a new angle.

If you find you’re having trouble coming up with new ideas, it might be time to stop digging and to come up for air. Stretch your legs, do something different, and come back in a better head space.

Remember, Isaac Newton didn’t come up with his theory of gravity in his study, reading what other people had already written. He took a walk in an orchard one day and made history.

Author bio – Nic Rowen is the content manager for Lifeline Design. Hailing from a background in writing, Nic believes great stories make great sites. Follow Nic on Twitter.

More Blogging Inspiration

=> 8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention

=> Unusual, Cheeky and Fun Ways To Get Inspiration For Your Blog Posts

=> Creating a Successful Blog Post – From Idea to Promotion

=> Highly Recommended: Ray Edwards Podcast

The post Blog Post Inspiration Is All Around You – Open Your Mind appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

7 Lessons From 50 Blog Posts That Send Me The Most Traffic Wed, 21 Dec 2016 13:38:52 +0000 People ask me… “How do I get so much traffic to my websites… so easily?” It’s really quite straight forward. Create the best content possible. That’s what people want. People go to websites because they want something. It could be to buy something, to learn something, to be entertained by something, or any number of ...

The post 7 Lessons From 50 Blog Posts That Send Me The Most Traffic appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

People ask me… “How do I get so much traffic to my websites… so easily?”

It’s really quite straight forward. Create the best content possible. That’s what people want.

People go to websites because they want something. It could be to buy something, to learn something, to be entertained by something, or any number of things. The better you are at giving people what they want, the more traffic you will get.

I don’t spend much time working on getting Facebook likes and getting top search engine rankings because it’s quite often the bi-product of great content.

Below I have outlined what you can learn from the 50 articles that send IncomeDiary the most traffic.

1. The articles that get the most traffic are lists… Shock!

Out of my 50 top articles, 35 start with a number. When I write, I write in a way, I would like to read. Being dyslexic, I like to summarize things, make it easy on myself to consume information. That’s why I think I do such a good job with lists.

Here’s 4 examples of top lists:

  1. 30 Most Influential People In Blogger
  2. 10 Christmas Gifts For Photographers
  3. 20 Health Experts To Follow on Facebook
  4. 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Young Entrepreneur

Here’s some examples of my favorite top list titles.

2. Mentioning famous people gets you traffic

9 out of 10 of our top articles mention people in some way.

Think about it this way:

If I wrote an article called: 10 Things Usain Bolt Does To Run Faster

I don’t need Bolt’s permission to write about him, but I get all of the benefits of having his name associated with mine and what it represents about what is written.

Usain is the fastest runner in the world. That means these tips must be the best tips in the world.

If I write about how to run faster, no one will want to listen.

3. Linking out can increase the time someone spends on your website

4 out of the top 5 articles on this website link out to over a dozen other websites. These articles also had noticeably longer visitor times.

Don’t be scared to link out and show some love. If you recommend something or someone and your reader likes where you sent them, then they will end up trusting you more.

4. The title can make or break an article

Something that is made really obvious when I look at my top 50 blog posts is… the title can really make or break an article.

If you are stuck trying to come up with a title of a post, go to the supermarket and look at the magazines. Modify titles of articles to make them relevant to something you want to write about.

5. Motivation beats inspiration and instruction

8 out of the top 10 articles on IncomeDiary are motivational. Here’s the breakdown for the top 50 articles:

  • Motivational: 24
  • Tutorials: 17
  • Inspirational: 9
  • Reviews: 0
  • News: 0
  • Interviews: 0

Motivational, is the type of posts that make you take action and start working.

Tutorials, are articles showing you how to do something. These can often be monetized well by recommending products required to do what you instruct in the tutorial.

Inspirational, is the type of post that gives you ideas.

Reviews, we review products and mention them in our customer autoresponders.

News, often something I would shy away from because it’s not evergreen (always relevant) content. If it gives me a positive ROI, then I will publish them.

It seems people value motivation higher than anything else. It’s not often lacking the skills that holds us back, it’s our work rate. Motivational posts help us focus more on our goals.

Although Reviews and News are not featured in the top 50 posts, they are still a relevant part of my blogging strategy. I just prioritize.


6. Have a content plan

I’m a systems guy. I like to follow a blueprint when I’m doing something because it’s tried and tested, proven to give the best results. I have a doc called Contest Strategy which I send to writers to make sure they have every required to do the best job possible. The better job they can do, the more traffic I get, the more traffic I get, the more money I make. This is some of the information I provide for everyone who writes for us:

  • Image sizes
  • About the author
  • Blog post template
  • Post publish time & date
  • Post title review
  • Post titles swipe copy
  • How to optimize post for search engines
  • PSD graphic files which writers can edit

7. Articles are worth paying for

A large percent of articles published on IncomeDiary are paid for.

One of the highest performing posts on IncomeDiary was published last year and has so far received 9,883 visitors in the last 30 days & 106,338 visitors in the last year. I paid $120 for that article.

I published a post in 2011 that cost me $100. In 2017 it makes me over $1000 a month.

The easiest way in my experience to get people to write for you is to ask. If asking fails, offer them money. We put together a training video on how we pay people to write our posts.

In this screen shot, you can see that the article is now getting more traffic weekly then it did in it’s first week. I have done nothing to it since the day it was published. None of us are SEO experts. All we focus on is great content and let the universe do the rest of the work 😉

To Conclude:

To write posts that drive lots of traffic, make sure to:

  • Write it in a list form and number it.
  • Mention people your readers will know, it will draw them in.
  • Link out to other websites.
  • Write the perfect name for your article. This should be thought about.
  • Motivate your reader.
  • Keep to a plan & implement.

What type of blog posts are sending you the most traffic right now?

Read next: ‘How To Promote Your Blog – The Fastest Way To 1000 Visitors Per Day’

The post 7 Lessons From 50 Blog Posts That Send Me The Most Traffic appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

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8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention Wed, 07 Dec 2016 08:26:20 +0000 Success at Content marketing requires a constant supply of new blog post ideas. Ideas that will spark intrigue and fire the readers imagination. But what happens when you run out of blog post ideas? 8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention How do you stand out in a sea of words ...

The post 8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Success at Content marketing requires a constant supply of new blog post ideas.

Ideas that will spark intrigue and fire the readers imagination.

But what happens when you run out of blog post ideas?

8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention

Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention

How do you stand out in a sea of words and wisdom?

With so many people blogging these days, how do you continually find topics to write about that haven’t already been covered in depth?

We’re called on to be prolific content creators, yet finding topics to write about day in and day out (let alone new, interesting, and relevant ideas) is a challenge. More than a challenge, actually.

It’s downright one of the biggest struggles business owners face today.

Can you relate?

If so, you’re probably still using the tried and true methods of finding new blog post ideas:

  • Scouring your brain for new opinions to share
  • Listening intently to your customers questions then answering them on your blog
  • Spying on what the competition is writing and then putting your own spin on it

These ideas are good, but they’re not enough. If you rely on these to fill your blog post arsenal, you’re probably missing a huge chunk of what your readers actually want to read about on your website.

The struggle is real. I know because I’ve spent the last four years building a business around nothing but crafting exceptional content. In doing so, I’ve uncovered a few gems of resources (FREE resources, at that) and places to look for blog post ideas – 8 to be exact.

How To Find Great Blog Post Ideas That Will Bring You Traffic


This is a free website available to, well, anyone. Go ahead. Type in the URL. When you do, you’ll see a page that looks an awful lot like this:

Blog Post Ideas

Type in a keyword related to your business. Up will pop several keyword suggestions. That’s not where the inspiration lies.

At the top, click “Questions.”

Find Blog Post Ideas

Here! Here is where you can get some serious inspiration.

These are the questions that people are asking about your keyword. For example, when I typed in “blogging” I came up with the following topic ideas:

  • What are blogging tools?
  • What are blogging rules?
  • Can blogging be profitable?
  • Corporate blogging do’s and don’ts
  • Has blogging changed journalism?
  • How blogging helps SEO

The list goes on. Go ahead and give it a try with your keywords to see what topics you can find. No creativity required.

2. Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

If you’ve never heard of HARO, consider this a double punch of opportunity for you.

HARO is a free resource that lets journalists reach out to sources with questions for potential news stories. The sources are businesses that have signed up. The journalists are writing about what you sell or do. Chime in when it makes sense, or hit delete on the email notification if it doesn’t.

From a publicity standpoint, this is a great opportunity to spread the word about your business by responding to reporter requests.

From a blogging standpoint, you can see what others are writing about and what’s getting people excited. Then, you can use those story ideas to elaborate with your own angle.

It’s free to sign up for and easy to take yourself off the mailing list if it ever becomes too much (and at three emails a day, it can sometimes feel like too much).

3. Google Trends

To be a thought leader, you need to jump on the latest topics that are trending. That’s hard to do if you’re not sure what’s getting people excited.

Enter: Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool offered by the search giant to point out how popular certain topics and keywords are.

You can use this tool in a couple of ways.

First, you can use it to uncover specific issues that are getting talked about. On the front page, you’ll notice some ultra-broad topics, such as the latest football game or the Presidential election. You can dig deeper by choosing a specific category, such as business or entertainment.

more Blog Post Ideas

Then, jump into the conversation where it makes sense.

Another way to use Google Trends is by typing in your keyword. Enter it under “Explore Topics” and you’ll find out how popular your specific topic is. Scroll down to “Related queries” and “Related topics” for more ideas on what’s trending around your business’s subject matter.

4. Google Keyword Planner

Trends are good to keep an eye on, but the real perk is knowing what people are typing into the search box.

Google’s Keyword Planner (available in your AdWords account, which is free to setup) is a gold mine of ideas. But not just any ideas. Ideas your audience wants to hear about and read about. [More info on setting up an adwords account without creating ad campaign]

Enter in your keyword (or keywords) and up will pop a list of related keywords. These are taken from actual search queries in Google, so you know how many people are typing them into the search box to find answers.

This is a treasure trove for bloggers because it shows you without a shadow of a doubt what people want to read about. Pull blog post topics from these keywords and you’ll not only provide compelling content, but you’ll also help boost your blog to the top of the search results. Win, win.

5. Google’s Autofill

This is the last Google hack I’ll mention, but it’s a good one (and sometimes a fun one too).

Ever notice when you’re typing a search into the search box on Google and a form drops down trying to guess what you’ll type next? That’s called Google Autofill and it can help you uncover blog post ideas you never realized existed.

Type in your keyword and see what related search terms appear. You never know what’ll pop up.

Take this for example. If you’re wondering where you could niche, try typing in your topic to Google and see what appears.

blogging ideas

Teachers and realtors don’t seem like likely audiences but Google thinks otherwise based on searcher behavior and data.

6. Amazon

Amazon is a whole other world online. It’s a storefront, business opportunity, publisher, review site, and more. It’s this combination that gives bloggers a tremendous advantage when trying to stir up some ideas for blog posts.

Here’s how it works.

On Amazon, go to the bookstore. Type in your topics. Chances are there are more than a few books written about what you do.

Click on a book title that closely resembles what you’d like to write about. Then, click to read the 3-star reviews.

1-star and 5-star reviews are too bias. You need the middle ground to uncover popular topics.

Dig through the 3-star reviews to see what the people liked and what was lacking from the book. Then, fill in those gaps on your blog.

7. Facebook Groups

If you’re on Facebook, then chances are you’re in a Facebook group (or two). Are you hanging out in the groups where your customers appear? If so, you’re probably hearing a lot of chatter about your industry.

That’s the gold.

Instead of waiting for your customers to reach out and ask you a question, listen to the questions they’re asking their peers and their friends. These are the questions that they’re:

  • Too afraid to ask you for fear of being pitched or sold to
  • More likely to type into the search box
  • Looking for someone to offer a trustworthy answer

You can show up under all three of those scenarios if you know what they’re asking.

8. Cold, Hard Facts

Sometimes, your audience doesn’t want your opinion. They want the facts. The cold, hard facts.

The good news is, data provides a wealth of information that you can pull from.

Are there any research reports that have been published in your industry recently? Write about them.

Are there any statistics you’ve uncovered? Write about them. [and link to them]

Write about the facts that you’ve uncovered and then offer your opinion as to why they matter. Your audience will appreciate the data-backed approach, and you’ll appreciate having something to write about on your blog.

What Do You Do With All These Blog Post Ideas?

With luck you now have some many blog post ideas that you wonder what to do with them?

So many ideas that you will be able to advance schedule publishing your blog posts.

Now that’s something to look forward to.

Remember, what gets scheduled gets done.

Also remember that although these resources make it easy to uncover blog post ideas, they don’t force you to put the fingers to the keyboard and type up your latest thoughts.

Taking action and implementing those great is the secret sauce of all successful bloggers.

When you research and plan, writing blog posts becomes easy.

And easy sounds pretty refreshing as we head into a new year, doesn’t it?

More Reading: How to Come up with Killer Blog Post Ideas

Author Bio: Kimberly Crossland is the owner of The Savvy Copywriter, LLC where she helps entrepreneurs sell online using words. Download your free customer avatar worksheet on her website to learn more about who you’re selling to.

The post 8 Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas That Get Attention appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

17 Writing Tips For Bloggers Who Think They Can’t Write! Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:07:17 +0000 Writing tips for the writer who thinks they can’t write. Writing Tips For Bloggers First a question… Are you a better speaker or a better writer? Personally, I’m a much better speaker than I am a writer. I can speak confidently in public, but with writing, it is a different story. I am not unique ...

The post 17 Writing Tips For Bloggers Who Think They Can’t Write! appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Writing tips for the writer who thinks they can’t write.

17 Writing Tips

Writing Tips For Bloggers

First a question…

Are you a better speaker or a better writer?

Personally, I’m a much better speaker than I am a writer.

I can speak confidently in public, but with writing, it is a different story.

I am not unique – For some of us it is more natural to speak and for others it is more natural to write.

Of course there are some who are blessed with both skills but anecdotal research suggests they are a minority.

I ask this question because my first suggestion is:

1) Record Your Article / Blog Post

If I plan a long article (2000 words plus) I find it easier to first record what I plan to say and then get it transcribed. If you do not wish to transcribe yourself, then my transcription service of choice is CastingWords.

You must have an outline of what you plan to say before you start.

Keep focused on your outline and topic as you speak. If you do not, then you risk ending up a recording that covers two or even three blog posts!

Consider your audio transcript a mannequin on which to hang your article. The transcript will not be perfect but with some editing and additions the whole process of creating a post has become much easier.

Make a good enough recording and you have a Podcast.

2) Use a pen and paper!

Write longhand!

With technology as it is – longhand writing is almost a lost art.

Your brain thinks differently when you use longhand. For me, the ideas flow faster in longhand. With typing the magic thought often has disappeared before I get a chance to type it. (But as a 1960 baby, this may be a generational thing!)

Here is my original very rough longhand draft for this post!

Don’t know what to write about?

Take it a step further and just write about anything and everything that comes into your head for 5 or 10 minutes.

I call this free-writing.

You will be surprised how often a credible idea comes out of that ‘garbage’ you just wrote down!

3) Be personal – but don’t let the Ego take over

Craig Ballantyne is a great example on a writer I have learned a lot from.

In this very personal post: 3 Big Life Lessons From a Dog Craig really lays it on the line professionally and personally.

Everyone who follows Craig will know how important his dog Bally is to him.

Bally even fills in for Craig and ‘sends’ out his email on occasion. The emails from Bally often get some of the best open rates and responses! See a fun example here.

Injecting personality into your writing will warm your readership to you.

Do not however become vain and egocentric – that is boring!

4) The shorter the sentence, the better.

If the sentence is longer than it would be comfortable for you to speak, then it’s probably too long.

Two sentences is almost always better than one long sentence.

5) Use “Cheat Sheets” to may you look like a writing pro.

Most writers have external methods of getting inspiration (Swipe Files etc) – and do not rely on brainpower alone!

As an example – the chart below is a great way to find alternative words – courtesy of iwastesomuchtime.

writer inspiration


6) Use Quotations!

Don’t over do it – unless you plan on doing a post that includes lots of quotations

Using an appropriate quotation by A N Other is a great way ‘lift’ a blog post and inspire yourself!

And the quotation does not have to be from someone famous – it could be one by a favorite uncle or your Irish Grandmother.

As long as it is pertinent, even a quote from your friend Ben or Mary will do!

Better still if you can weave the ‘quote’ into a related story!

7) Get to the point

Do not make people wade through seven paragraphs of unrelated anecdotes before you get to what you’re really trying to say!

Sometimes as writers we are so impressed with our own writing we go of at tangents.

We live in a world of information overload.

Bore people and you lose them.

The point of your article and what it promises to deliver, should be clear from the first paragraph.

A business writing coach once told me that your first 50 words are the most important.

If it is not clear what your intent is in those first 50 words, chances are high you will lose the reader.

Readers will scan – trying to work out if it will be worth their while to go deeper into your masterpiece!

8) Write Often

Writing well is habit! Write every day.

The more you write, the better you get!

In these days of Instant Messaging and email it is ‘easy’ to abbreviate when writing.

However, the best writers always write well – even in emails and Instant Messaging.

Sure, it may be a chore to use proper grammar but the more often your write properly, the better your writing becomes. FACT!

With SMS / Text there may be good reasons to use the abbreviations and I use them – but that is the only exception!

9) Master the Art of Concise Writing (AKA Edit Ruthlessly)

I am working on this!

Good reference article: concise writing cheat sheet


Only repeat a word if it is necessary for clarity or emphasis.

Original: My brother Chris, who is my only brother, graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in English.
Edited: Chris, my only brother, earned an English Degree from the University of Houston.

Check out:

Cut Out Weasel Words


writing tips for bloggers

10) Change your reading habits

Read a book that you would not normally do.

Do something you would not normally do. If you normally read non-fiction then read fiction and vice-versa.

Be contrarian in your blog posts! Challenge the Norm!

Imagine how you would feel if you decided something you really believed was true – was not?

Read Newspaper ads, posters, billboards, store signs etc

Credit: 10 things to do when you can’t think of anything to write

11) Change the scenery

If you normally write in your office, move somewhere else.

Go to a different room, go outside, in the garden or visit a coffee shop!

For me, a walk works wonders!

12) History Lessons

Is there something in history that you can relate to your topic? An event or person in history that you can use to make a point in your article?

When you are stuck for inspiration “This day in history” is always a good place to start in an article. Works equally well when making a speech.

13) Find and follow people who write well

When you find writing you enjoy, examine the structure and the words.

How does the writer craft sentences, use punctuation etc.

How can you use the writers strategy in your own writing?

Seeking out and following good writers is perhaps the best advice I can give any writer who finds writing a challenge.

14) Read out loud what you write!

In short, if your writing is hard to speak, what makes you think it’s going to be easy to read?

Reading out loud is a great way to discover mistakes and make further improvements.

If it doesn’t sound natural when you speak out loud, it is simple – rewrite it!

15) Talk directly to the reader

Use words such as “you,” “we,” and “I” to make it clear that you are talking to the reader.

Readers will be more attentive when you’re talking directly to them about their issues.

Remember, if it is boring for you, it will be boring for your reader!

16) Edit it again!

I am not a naturally talented writer.

Writing is getting easier, but it is still hard work.

It is not usual to write one day, edit it on the second day and then further edit it on the third day.

With each edit I remove words, sometimes even entire paragraphs!

The point of every edit is to make it easier for your reader to understand.

Not every writer needs to edit this much – some get it right on the first attempt!

I am not yet one of those writers!

Recommended Reading: Slacker Words and Phrases

17) Writing Tips For Bloggers – Use Lists and Graphics

IncomeDiary is famous for lists

When all else fails there is always lists to fall back on.

Lists like…

Top 30 Most Influential People In _____ (Blogging, Web Design, Photography, Golf, Gaming etc)

10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a _____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc)

10 Christmas Gifts For _____ (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)

20 Websites To Visit If You Want To Be a Better _____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc

Just pick your topic and insert it above!

Writing Tips For Bloggers – More links and Inspiration

=> From IncomeDiary contributor Lesley J. Vos – 20 Things That Can Help You Find Inspiration for Writing

=> 15 Editing & Proofreading Tips Every Blogger Should Know

And a brilliant quote about writing from Anne Lamott – the author of: Bird by Bird: Instructions on Writing and Life

writing tips to make you a better writer

Author Bio:

Barry Dunlop is a lifelong entrepreneur who launched his first Internet Business in 1998. He also invests in renewable energy technology, Domain Names and Selling Websites. You can follow / message Barry on Twitter

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

The post 17 Writing Tips For Bloggers Who Think They Can’t Write! appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

How To Create Viral Content Your Readers Will Love Thu, 16 Jun 2016 20:30:20 +0000 Creating valuable content for your website that turns into Viral Content is the dream of every website owner. But how do you make sure you produce valuable viral content – rather than nonsense content, that is quickly forgotten? Last year I reviewed hundreds of different posts and figured out most viral content shares 4 common ...

The post How To Create Viral Content Your Readers Will Love appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Creating valuable content for your website that turns into Viral Content is the dream of every website owner.

But how do you make sure you produce valuable viral content – rather than nonsense content, that is quickly forgotten?

Last year I reviewed hundreds of different posts and figured out most viral content shares 4 common elements.

Elements that are essential for viral success and shareability!

Also, my research revealed that some of the most shared content arguably had little commercial value. The clever marketers are the ones who find away to make this often cute and funny content into commercially viable content. I mean what is the point of attracting huge amounts of visitors and paying enormous bandwidth and hosting costs if that traffic has no benefit in terms of sales etc.

viral traffic

Definition of commercial value will vary – but for most of us that will include:

=> Increased Revenue

=> Link Backs and Shares (More inbound links – Improved SEO)

=> PR and Brand awareness (Fame for you and your website)

=> Viral content is a generally low cost way from the small blogger to compete with big budget companies.

The clever blogger can always finds ways that ‘cute’ and ‘funny’ viral content can be used in their online business.

[Examples included below.]

4 Keys to Creating Viral Content

Users share content for different reasons.

Let’s take a look:

#1 “Do not allude to the story. Tell the story” – Kindra Hall

Kindra Hall stated that using the storytelling approach can improve communication with clients and brand strategy for your customers. People love and remember interesting, warm-hearted stories. [Such as in Example below]

viral warm-hearted stories.

The interesting thing about the above Dog Story is that the Publication – has managed to duplicate the lost dog story many times! [In commercial terms – if you own a blog about dogs or own a pet store this is the kind of viral content to watch out for]

viral content with dog stories


People handle visual content 600 000 times faster than text. People read only 20% of the text on a website and the rest of 80% is accounted for by visuals.

Have you ever heard about pareidolia?

This is “a psychological phenomenon involving an image or a sound wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists”. [See Example Below – can you imagine how often something like this gets shared? Find away to include something like this based around your product or niche and you can be on to a huge winner in terms of traffic and links and shares. A company involved is supplying CCTV systems could for example use this.]

pareidolia viral images, marketing

#2 “Follow the trend lines, not the headlines” Bill Clinton

Today to be original is not enough, it is important to keep pace with trends and use the proper platforms to get across to your target audience. You have to analyze different social media networks and monitor what news and topics are trending every day. It will allow you get all interests of your audience and you will know what you should focus on.

Take a look at what influencers share and say about a particular topic and offer users something better. Monitor news on a national, regional and local level.

We all know that in-vogue topics can always increase engagement with your target audience. But we never know what sort of content can go viral and there is no guarantee to predict it.

Here is a great example of following a trend…

I guess everyone has heard about a smashing hit “Game of thrones”. Millions of people are watching the film and monitoring all news based on this film. BuzzFeed is a very popular website that covered one of this posts about this trend and got over 96k shares and 1m views.

viral content success



how to create viral content

Another good example that demonstrated a huge reaction and got over 586K shares is about a Zombie. It was a really fun and trending post that went viral and dominated other most shared content. [If you have a Blog about cruise travel or travel this would work ]

viral content that sells

For those who are creating viral content, it is important to be on top of today’s trending content and have a strong knowledge of what is relevant in your industry in order to become viral. Understanding this need, I recommend you to check out this post from Ann Smarty that covers useful sources to find out what is the latest trending and new topics.

#3 “You need emotional content” – Bruce Lee

People are quite emotional creatures and can feel different feelings from fear up to excitement. When you know the reasons and issues that your target audience cares about, you can integrate a strong emotional tie to your content.

“You need emotional content” - Bruce Lee

If you can activate a human’s emotional side, you can win the jackpot. They will share and talk about your content. No matter what emotions (positive or negative) you trigger with the content you provide, you will skyrocket chances of building new connections and of being shared by your target audience.

The New York Times revealed that entertainment is one of the most common reasons why people share content with friends. Jonah Berger, the author of the book Contagious, studied 7 000 New York Times articles and found out that people like to be “bearer of the good news” rather than a “Debbie downer.” He also revealed that content triggering such emotions like excitement, anger, joy, etc. got shared more than content with low-arousal emotions like sorrow, sadness. But of course there are exceptions. Below we have an article that got a lot of peoples attention – and for many a huge emotional connection.

Here is a great example of emotional viral content…

Remember Cecil the Lion

lion africa viral content


how to write blog posts that go viral

Here is another emotional viral content example, again the story is from Metro

This is the story of a penguin that swims 5000 miles every day to meet the man who saved his life and has received over 800, 000 shares. In more recent times stories with cute animals and babies become cliche and fly off the shelf on the Internet.

share your content

This study made by Ipsos revealed that 61% of global users share interesting things, 43% funny and important things and only 29% share unique content.

Make people smile and you are on the right way to going viral. Write content that triggers positive emotions. Make sure that headlines are one of the first things that people see when viewing your content. Add a touch of curiosity and wonder to read content.

#4 “Create something people want to share” –  John Jantsch

You know well that being successful in content marketing, you need not only create unique content on a regular basis, but also be more creative. It’s high time to shake your content balance and make some experiments with different types of content you have never checked out before.

In my experience, most people really love list articles. Why? Because they provide a bunch of useful information, and they are easy to read and keep in mind. List posts look great when you are going to promote it on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. For research of interesting ideas, you can try out SE Ranking keyword suggestion tool.

People love numbers, and as we have mentioned many times on IncomeDiary –Top list posts attract visitors. For example, the post “27 Handy Tools for Better Visual Content Marketing on Content Marketing Institute received over 5.4K shares.

content marketing viral content

Adding images to your list posts can be an ideal format for boosting chances of shareability. List posts rich with graphics and images can get double shares and gain the interest of your target audience.

Lists of quotes in particular attract a lot of shares. Just make the quote relevant to your audience.

If for example your website is about Renewable Energy – create a list of famous quotes about renewable energy. Or if you are a photographer – a list of photography quotes or if you are an entrepreneur a list of entrepreneur quotes.

Here is a another example

viral posts on blog

For Viral Content – Quizzes also work!

Quizzes are another successful type of content that can encourage more users to share on social media. This approach works well if the result can be presented in a positive light. Take  look at this personalized quizz that has become the most shared post (over 2.5m shares) on  Play Buzz:

 share on social media

Easy-to-take quizzes can tell something about users and make them easy to share the results with friends on social media.

Don’t forget to create attractive headlines

We all know that viral posts can’t do without good headlines. How to do that? I like how BuzzFreed tests different headlines with A/B testing that helps them to find out the best options based on real audience interaction. You can take a look at the following elements before integrating into your headlines.

  • Type (video, facts, infographics, images, quotes and etc.)
  • Emotions (heart-warming stories, amusement, surprise, warnings, etc.)
  • Topics (trending topics)
  • Format (quizzes, list posts, tips, stories)

The truth is there is no perfect formula to make your content shareable but incorporate the above elements and your chances of success are greatly enhanced.

You will never know for sure whether your post will get a significant number of shares or will be ignored by target audience. In my experience, content creation is not so important as content amplification. And don’t forget, sharing content with 2-3 well-known influencers can sometimes be enough to provoke significant content sharing.

Remember that most people want to use your piece of content in order to make the lives of other people better. Your goal is just to make this process as easy as possible.

Author Bio: Irina Weber is a marketing specialist, blogger, guest writer and social media expert for WebDeveloper.Sydney. You can follow Irina on Twitter


7 Tips for Creating Posts That Will Spread on Social Media

How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post

The post How To Create Viral Content Your Readers Will Love appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post Thu, 23 Jul 2015 06:36:36 +0000 Looking for viral content for your next blog post? Check out these blogging resources! 33 resources and tools for bloggers looking for their next viral post! Sometimes, contagious content takes you by surprise. Sometimes ‘ordinary posts’ do go viral. But they are the exception. Those bloggers who have regular viral posts have specific strategies and ...

The post How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

Looking for viral content for your next blog post?

Check out these blogging resources!

viral content for your blog post

33 resources and tools for bloggers looking for their next viral post!

Sometimes, contagious content takes you by surprise.

Sometimes ‘ordinary posts’ do go viral.

But they are the exception.

Those bloggers who have regular viral posts have specific strategies and tools they use.

In this post we will share some of the best!

After all creating content that’s consistently engaging, popular and even viral, cannot be left to chance!

Dishing out epic content is an art, and like any other art, it can only be mastered through practice.

The more you practice, the more SUCCESS you will have!

To put them into context, let’s say you’re writing a blog post entitled ’20 Richest Teen Entrepreneurs Online’.

How could you make this blog post stand out?

Viral Content – Find Trending Keywords

Finding the right keywords to attract the most readers can be time-consuming. Simple research using the Soolve tool can be carried out across any number of platforms of your choice to display keyword suggestions based on your requirements.

Simply input your keyword phrase (i.e. ‘teen entrepreneurs’) and check what various search engines, social media platforms, online retailers and other platforms can come up with. You can save your searches and compare with previous results, or even check if your current keyword phrase has made it in the top Internet keyword list for that day.


Get Keyphrase suggestions with Soovle

For Viral Content – Consider Foreign Readers

Similar to Soolve, UberSuggest is an online tool that allows you to select the keyword language and then adds some characters to your keyword phrase to show you the effects of a slight variation in it.

This free tool displays suggestions based on real user queries from across the globe.

Check Social Search Engines

Spezify is a social search engine that brings up a mosaic of images related to your keyword.

The phrase ‘teen entrepreneur’, for instance, currently brings up an Instagram image of an Endevvr Summer Incubator event, where teen entrepreneurs meet to exchange ideas.

Get Involved With Online Discussions

LinkedIn (B2B networking site) users are well-informed and more knowledgeable when it comes to business than most members of the public. Opinions and information are shared freely in industry group discussions that can be accessed by anyone with a LinkedIn account.

After installing the Discussions extension in your browser, whenever you google a keyword and click the Discussions button, you’ll be able to browse everything that Google could come up with on your topic based on comments on review sites, question-and-answer sites, etc.

For a bit more oomph, search for posts on Quora, Yahoo! Answers, and just about any other question-and-answer website where there’s some mention of your topic.

For Viral Content – Add Fun Facts

Let’s stick with the teen entrepreneur example.

When you’ve come across the names of your teenage biz wizzes, but would like to spice up your content with some fresh bits of news or fun facts, you could use Topix.

Much of the information you’ll find online is geo-specific, it’s great to find a marketing research tool like Topix that allows you to set a specific location to get local results in a flash.

Check Tweet Counts

If you’re going to write about teen entrepreneurs, you might as well know what to expect in terms of Twitter competition. There are several ways to go about this. To begin with, you can use a tool like keyhole to check the tweet count for each one of your subjects, or for the topic, in general.

You can also check posts from Chinese, Japanese, Russian Twitter users, among others, and find influencers for your topic.

Install Browser Plugins

If you’ve heard of SEOQuake, you know that this browser plugin will not only allow you to set your own parameters to how your search results show up, but also to find specific types of content in certain parts of the news pieces, such as the word ‘infographics’ in the body or title of the article.

Use Velocity Graphs

Mashable and similar websites have had great success posting simple visual guides to show the rate at which a certain content is picking up momentum for example.

You can easily create graphs with something like CreateAGraph or FastGraph.

ChartOfTheDay - FB

Scan Blog Directories

Look into Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Yahoo Buzz.

You may even want to give ListVerse a try.

You can pick up important bits of information from the blogs themselves, as well as from their comments. They can serve as indicators of the best time to publish your next post.

Increase YouTube Views

If you’re adding video content to your blog post, it pays to research other videos on the same topic. These videos will have the same reach you’re looking for.

With the YouTube advanced search operator ‘intitle:’ and the filter and sort tools, you can easily figure out what the masses are more interested in at the moment, as well as pick up some helpful background information on your teens.


If images speak louder than words, then you don’t want them to scream out ‘copyright infringement’.

To that end, give FlickrFreeImagesFreeRangeStock, Pixel Perfect Digital, Unprofound, MorgueFile and StockVault a try, and see which is more to your liking. Try to always optimize your images with alt text.

There are various other websites you can use to create your own visuals in exchange for money or completely free. Canva offers myriads of images, templates, icons etc., some of which are complimentary. PicMonkey is similar, but it also allows you to edit your images.

Creative Commons Flikr

Get Reliable Opinions

Whenever entrepreneurs are in the spotlight, you can’t go wrong with The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Wired, and similar magazines that enjoy impressive global circulation figures and rely on a steady stream of online subscribers. Some journals may require a subscription before they grant you access, but it’s a small price to pay in return for access to some of the brightest minds in the industry.

Use Accurate Figures

When you’ve pinpointed your main sources, remember to check your facts. Using figures from Business Insider articles is fine and dandy, but double-check everything before you put pen to paper.

Even figures in a Forbes article are subject to change, and it always pays to check the date of the article for comparison with other articles on a given topic.

There are net-worth registers that provide reliable information for a fee, such as Rich Register.  And Forbes is regularly updated.

viral content

Find Influencers

There are various ways to find key influencers for your specific topic, and to monitor their posts for similar content. One is Realtime, another is Topsy, and yet another is the Content Strategy Helper Tool. GroupHigh will help you whizz through millions of blogs for a specific topic, and Bitly will allow you to pinpoint the people sharing the most popular posts. When you find your influencers, get in touch, establish some level of trust, and then ask them to share your content.

Quiz Your Users

Quizzes are a fun way to engage your readers without dishing out expensive interactive features.

There are various tools to help create and embed them into your blog post, like PollDaddy, QuizzRevolution, Gnowledge, Quizworks, etc. Some are free and some come at a cost.

Use Thumbnail Previews

It goes without saying that if you have a captivating image to add to your blog post, you may as well create a thumbnail version of it to share on social media platforms. The thumbnail is, after all, the visual element that’s likely to hook in most readers.

WordPress and other content management sites allow you to automatically set a thumbnail for your post.

Time it Right

The Zimmerman Agency recommends publicizing the blog post at 9 a.m. and lunch time, which is when people turn up for work but have a few minutes to spare.

Buzzsumo claims the best day to publish an article is Tuesday, while Hubspot social media scientist Dan Zarrella claims people tend to share and retweet more on Friday, according to a recent blog post.

Contently, on the other hand, recommends publishing content often, rather than saving it for a certain day of the week.

Avoid Exaggerations, Fluff & Filler Content

There’s a limit to how much a writer can embellish a post without going over the top.

Anyone with aspirations to create viral content should know that limit. A good writer will never cheapen their work by writing content without substance. Therefore, don’t expect reliable sources to share content with ‘filler’ text, as they like to call it in the industry.

Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and concise.

Catty Perry

Don’t Plagiarize

Never quote or cite without revealing your source.

Be it text, image, shared opinion or number, its author must be given credit for the work put into making it public. It goes without saying that the citation can’t be taken out of context and used to further your goals, however positive they may be. They must be true to the author’s perspective and intentions.

Systemize Your Content

The best way to save time on your posts is to automatize your writing to the very last detail. Google ‘letter count’ and find a website that will count your characters for you.

This comes in very handy with meta-descriptions. Then look for websites that will handle title capitalization for you, whichever style you may be using, i.e. Chicago Manual, AP Style, Oxford, etc.

Create something you’re confident in and proud of.

Potentially viral content can be created any time. If you get the marketing right, you can leverage the internet to achieve a viral effect regularly.

Remember, people engage with and are more likely to share content when they discover it through friends and people they trust.

If you liked this, check out how I get 100,000 visitors a month with top list articles.

To our success,

David Aston

The post How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post appeared first on How To Make Money Online.
